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Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile

Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e fana ka tharollo ea sejoale-joale bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mocheso le matla a matla a meaho ea meralo. Li-profiles tsena li na le moralo o ikhethang o kenyelletsang mokoallo oa mocheso, oo hangata o entsoeng ka thepa e sa sebetseng joalo ka polyamide, lipakeng tsa aluminium ea kahare le kantle. Kaho ena e ncha ka katleho e fokotsa mocheso oa mocheso pakeng tsa bokahare le bokantle ba mehaho, e leng se etsang hore ho be le ho ntlafala ha motlakase le ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla.

E 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles ke bokhoni ba bona ba ho fokotsa borokho ba mocheso, bo hlahang ha likarolo tsa tšepe li tsamaisa mocheso habonolo ho feta lisebelisoa tse potolohileng. Ka ho sitisa ho phalla ha mocheso ka profil, thekenoloji ea khefu ea mocheso e thusa ho boloka mocheso o tsitsitseng oa ka tlung, ho ntlafatsa boiketlo ba baahi, le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa.

    Kenyelletso ea Sehlahisoa

    Ho feta moo, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e fana ka bots'epehi bo ikhethang ba sebopeho le ho tšoarella, e etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa meralo. Ho tloha lifensetereng le mamati ho ea ho marako a likharetene le litsamaiso tsa façade, lintlha tsena li fana ka tšehetso e tšepahalang le ho hanyetsa boemo ba leholimo ha li ntse li ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mocheso.

    Monyetla o mong oa Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles ke ho feto-fetoha ha tsona ho moralo. Baetsi ba meralo le baqapi ba ka hlophisa lifaele tsena ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa projeke, ho kenyelletsa boholo, sebopeho le likhetho tsa ho qetela. Ebang ke tsa meaho ea sejoale-joale ea bolulo, meaho ea khoebo, kapa meaho ea litsi, liprofaele tsena li fana ka maemo le ho ikamahanya le maemo le mekhoa e fapaneng ea meralo ea meralo.

    Ho feta moo, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e kenya letsoho mekhoeng e tsitsitseng ea ho haha ​​ka ho fokotsa ho itšetleha ka mekhoa ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, ka tsela eo ho fokotsa ho tsoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše le ho khothalletsa tlhokomelo ea tikoloho.

    Ka kakaretso, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e emela tharollo ea morao-rao bakeng sa ho finyella ts'ebetso e phahameng ea mocheso, matla a matla, le ho feto-fetoha ha moralo mererong ea morao-rao ea meralo.


    1. Theknoloji ea Thermal Barrier: Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e na le theknoloji ea thibelo ea mocheso e sitisang ho fetisa mocheso ka profil, ho fokotsa mocheso oa mocheso le ho thibela ho thehoa ha marokho a mocheso.

    2. Insulation e Ntlafetseng: Theknoloji ea thermal barrier e ntlafatsa thepa ea ho pata, ho ntlafatsa matla a matla a mehaho ka ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea mocheso kapa phaello ka li-profiles.

    3. Matla a Matla: Ka ho fokotsa tlhokahalo ea lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e kenya letsoho ho boloka matla le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tšebeliso ka nako.

    4. Matla a Sebopeho: Ho sa tsotellehe ho ba bobebe, litlaleho tsena li fana ka matla a ikhethang a sebopeho, ho netefatsa ho tšoarella le ts'ebetso ea nako e telele maemong a sa tšoaneng a tikoloho.

    5. Ho tšoarella: E etselitsoe ho mamella mocheso o feteletseng, mongobo, le ho pepeseha ha UV, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e hloka tlhokomelo e fokolang 'me e fana ka ts'ebetso e ka tšeptjoang nakong ea bophelo ba bona.

    6. Likhetho tsa ho Itloaetsa: Baetsi ba meralo le baqapi ba ka hlophisa liprofaele tsena ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa projeke, ho kenyelletsa boholo, sebopeho, pheletso, le likhetho tsa mebala, e lumellang ho kopanngoa ho se nang moeli mekhoeng e fapaneng ea meralo.

    7. Mefuta e sa tšoaneng: Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e na le mekhoa e mengata 'me e ka sebelisoa mefuteng e mengata ea likopo, ho akarelletsa lifensetere, mamati, marako a likharetene, le litsamaiso tsa façade.

    8. Kaho ea Moshoelella: Ka ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le ho ntšoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše, litlaleho tsena li tšehetsa mekhoa ea moaho e tsitsitseng le ho kenya letsoho ho finyella litifikeiti tsa mohaho o motala.

    9. Tharollo e Sebeletsang Litšenyehelo: Ho sa tsotellehe lichelete tsa pele, ho boloka matla a nako e telele le ho tšoarella ha Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles ho etsa hore e be tharollo e theko e tlaase bakeng sa merero ea kaho.

    10. Ho Ikamahanya le Maemo: Litlaleho tsena li ipapisa le maemo a indasteri le melaoana ea tšebetso ea mocheso, botšepehi ba sebopeho, le ho tšoarella ha tikoloho, ho netefatsa boleng le ho tšepahala mererong ea kaho.


    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e fumana ts'ebeliso e pharaletseng meahong ea sejoale-joale ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea eona e phahameng ea mocheso le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. Litaba tsena hangata li sebelisoa kahong ea meaho e baballang motlakase, ho kenyeletsoa meaho ea bolulo, ea khoebo le ea litsi. Li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng matla a matla a meaho ka ho fokotsa mocheso o fetisoang ka lifensetere, mamati, mabota a likharetene le li-façade system. Ka ho kenyelletsa theknoloji ea khefu ea mocheso, litlaleho tsena li thusa ho theha mokoallo oa mocheso pakeng tsa libaka tse ka hare le tsa ka ntle, ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea mocheso mariha le ho fumana mocheso lehlabula.

    Ntle le thepa ea bona ea mocheso, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e fana ka meralo ea meralo le baqapi ba ho feto-fetoha ha moralo, ho lumella litharollo tse ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa morero. Li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa meralo, ho kenyeletsoa meaho e phahameng, meaho ea liofisi, ntlafatso ea bolulo, litsi tsa thuto le lits'ebeletso tsa bophelo bo botle. Litlaleho tsena li kenya letsoho mekhoeng ea moaho e tsitsitseng ka ho khothaletsa paballo ea matla le ho fokotsa ho itšetleha ka lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa. Ka kakaretso, Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profiles e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa meahong ea sejoale-joale ka ho kopanya ts'ebetso ea matla, bots'epehi ba sebopeho, le boipiletso bo botle ho theha tikoloho e tšoarellang le e mabothobotho.

    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (6)g4n
    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (8)opb
    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (7) oni


    Mola oa Extrusion: Mehala ea 12 ea extrusion le tlhahiso ea khoeli le khoeli e ka fihla ho lithane tse 5000.
    Mohala oa Tlhahiso: Mohala oa tlhahiso ea 5 bakeng sa CNC
    Bokhoni ba Sehlahisoa: Anodizing Electrophoresis tlhahiso ea khoeli le khoeli ke lithane tse 2000.
    Powder Coating e hlahisoang khoeli le khoeli ke lithane tse 2000.
    Phallo ea khoeli le khoeli ea Wood Grain ke lithane tse 1000.
    Motsoako: 6063/6061/6005/6060/7005. (Alloy e khethehileng e ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tsa hau.)
    Bohale : T3-T8
    Tloaelo: China GB e phahameng ho nepahala maemo.
    Botenya: E ipapisitse le litlhoko tsa hau.
    Bolelele: 3-6 M kapa bolelele bo ikhethileng. 'Me re ka hlahisa bolelele leha e le bofe boo u bo batlang.
    MOQ: Ka tloaelo lithane tse 2. Hangata lithane tse 15-17 bakeng sa 1 * 20GP le lithane tse 23-27 bakeng sa 1 * 40HQ.
    Surface Finish: Qetello ea ho sila, Anodizing, ho roala phofo, lijo-thollo tsa lehong, ho polishing, Brushing, Electrophoresis.
    Mmala oo re ka o Etsang: Silevera, e ntšo, e tšoeu, boronse, champagne, botala, bohlooho, bosehla ba khauta, nickel, kapa e hlophisitsoeng.
    Botenya ba filimi: Anodized: Customized. Botenya bo tloaelehileng: 8 um-25um.
    Powder Coating: Customized. Botenya bo tloaelehileng: 60-120 um.
    Filimi e rarahaneng ea Electrophoresis: Botenya bo tloaelehileng: 16 um.
    Wood Grain: Customized. Botenya bo tloaelehileng: 60-120 um.
    Lintho tse bonahalang tsa Wood Grain: a). Pampiri ea khatiso ea phetiso ea Setaliana MENPHIS. b). Letšoao la pampiri la khatiso la China la boleng bo holimo. c). Litheko tse fapaneng.
    Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale le Ts'ebetso: Kopana le ho etsoa ke China GB boemo bo holimo bo nepahetseng.
    Mechine: Ho seha, ho phunya, ho phunya, ho kobeha, ho cheselletsa, leloala, CNC, joalo-joalo.
    Ho paka: Filimi ea polasetiki le pampiri ea Kraft. Sireletsa filimi bakeng sa karolo ka 'ngoe ea profil e boetse e lokile ha ho hlokahala.
    FOB Port: Foshan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen.
    OEM: E fumaneha.


    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (11)fon
    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (9)8vm
    Extrusion Aluminium Thermal Break Profile (10)bii


    175 ea mohlala oa lijo-thollo de-stoner (5)rgb
    175 mohlala oa lijo-thollo de-stoner (4)7qn
    175 mohlala oa lijo-thollo de-stoner (3)23p
    175 mohlala oa lijo-thollo de-stoner (3)23p
    175 mohlala oa lijo-thollo de-stoner (3)23p


    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho Guangdong, China
    Nako ea thomello Matsatsi a 15-21
    Khalefo T3-T8
    Kopo indasteri kapa kaho
    Sebopeho customized
    Alloy Kapa Che Ke Alloy
    Nomoro ea Mohlala 6061/6063
    Lebitso la Brand Xingqiu
    Tshebeletso ya Tshebetso Ho koba, ho tjheseletsa, ho phunya, ho seha
    Lebitso la sehlahisoa aluminium extruded profil bakeng sa terata
    Phekolo ea bokaholimo Anodize, seaparo sa phofo, Sepolishe, Brush, Electrophresis kapa e hlophisitsoeng.
    Mmala mebala e mengata joalo ka khetho ea hau
    Lintho tse bonahalang Alloy 6063/6061/6005/6082/6463 T5/T6
    Tshebeletso OEM le ODM
    Setifikeiti CE,ROHS, ISO9001
    Mofuta 100% Tlhahlobo ea QC
    Bolelele 3-6meters kapa Bolelele ba Tloaelehileng
    Ts'ebetso e tebileng ho seha, ho phunya, ho roka, ho kobeha, jj
    Mofuta oa khoebo feme, moetsi


    • Q1. MOQ ea hau ke eng? Hona nako ea hau ea ho fana ke efe?

    • Q2. Haeba ke hloka sampole, na u ka ntšehetsa?


      A2. Re ka u fa disampole mahala bakeng sa ho hlahloba boleng ba rona, empa tefiso ea ho fana ka thepa e lokela ho lefshoa ke moreki oa rona, 'me ho ananeloa e ka re romella Ak'haonte ea hau ea International Express For Freight Collect.

    • Q3. U lefisa joang litefiso tsa hlobo?

    • Q4. Phapang ke efe pakeng tsa boima ba khopolo-taba le boima ba sebele?

    • Q5. Nako ea hau ea tefo ke efe?

    • Q6 O ka fana ka litšebeletso tsa OEM & ODM?

    • Q7. U ka tiisa boleng joang?


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